The Mental Aspect of Fitness: A critical factor in achieving peak fitness and lifestyle enhancement

By: Jason Figley, CPT, CISSN

The vast majority of advertisements & marketing campaigns in the fitness industry focus mainly on different training and dieting strategies in order to meet one’s fitness goals. While it’s certainly important to train and eat with precision, what rarely gets discussed is the mental component of the fitness lifestyle. I have always believed this to be the most overlooked and misunderstood area of focus for people when pursuing their health and fitness goals.

During my 25 years as fitness professional, I have worked with hundreds of different individuals wanting to improve their physical condition. Throughout that time, I have been able to identify certain distinct factors, which determine whether a client will likely succeed in meeting their goals and, more importantly, maintain them over time. Some of these factors include setting specific goals, consistent daily lifestyle habits, and sustained motivation. But above all else, the most critical determinant of their long-term success is establishing a strong mindset. One in which a positive, constructive outlook toward achieving goals is constant, and falling into old, destructive habits becomes unacceptable.

So how does one attain the mental edge needed to achieve their best physical condition and health? The following are strategies I have found to be very effective for building the kind of winning mentality that one must embrace in order to reach optimal health and fitness.


One thing that always stands out as a common trait among my most successful clients is their unabated commitment to the fitness lifestyle. Many people can get motivated and follow a structured regimen for a few weeks, or even months, but their consistency tends to diminish over time. The average person will find many reasons to rationalize this such as work commitments, family obligations, lack of time, or frustration with the monotony of the process. Meanwhile, as their interest starts to sway, so does their practice of the day-to-day training and nutritional habits that produce the best results.

For my clients who embrace the fitness lifestyle year in and year out, the mindset is completely different. Rather than viewing their training and eating regimens as a secondary responsibility, they consider healthy lifestyle patterns a necessity in order to function at a high level. They want to have the best experience in all areas of life. They understand that being their best physically directly impacts their mental and emotional health. By making health & fitness a top priority, these clients are better able to focus on the small daily habits that lead to long-term success.


I often have great conversations with my clients about the many benefits of the fitness lifestyle aside from their obvious physical improvements. We discuss how making fitness a true priority is the only way to achieve all the benefits the lifestyle can bring. Working hard for months to improve one’s physical appearance is great but for most people, it just isn’t enough to make a lifetime commitment. In order to stay motivated for the long term, there must be a real understanding of the correlation between the lifestyle choices a person makes & the direct impact they have on their health & quality of life. Once long term health becomes the main focus of a person’s efforts, they perceive a greater purpose that then becomes ingrained in their psyche.


Living in a culture with a constant stream of marketing ads portraying extremely fit models, celebrities & athletes, it is understandable why many people use these images as a benchmark for success when attempting to improve their own physical appearance. The problem with this approach is that each individual has different characteristics that give them their own unique makeup. When you see a photo of an elite athlete or fitness professional, chances are they have two things going for them. First, the individual has really good genetics and second, they have been working hard for many years to reach that level of fitness. Because no two people possess the exact same structural or metabolic makeup, and experience can vary greatly, it is best not to compare yourself to anyone else, but rather to focus on how you can reach your own potential. If you are truly committed to a smart training & nutrition regimen, you will inevitably reach a better level of fitness and enjoy all the benefits that a healthy lifestyle can bring. By increasing lean muscle while reducing body fat, you will have succeeded in being a more fit and healthy version of yourself.


Finally, I believe that the most important skill a trainee can cultivate is a true desire to create & sustain a high standard of healthy lifestyle patterns. Too often, people perceive those who reach a high level of fitness as having more willpower than themselves. This is a complete misconception. The fact is that no one will do anything they don’t want to do for very long. To truly be successful at reaching and maintaining your fitness goals, you must decide that your health and quality of life are of the highest priorities. You can then create a mindset that fosters a positive outlook towards making healthy habits desirable. When you truly desire to be proactively involved in your health and wellbeing, there is no longer a need for willpower. The thoughts of being somehow restricted or limited are replaced with feelings of pleasure and reward for your efforts.